MadInkBeard by DerikBadman

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Craghead Schulz Tribute

Tom Spurgeon links over to Warren Craghead’s blog. He recently posted his tribute to Charles Schulz, originally published in 2003’s Top Shelf Asks the Big Questions. The unpublished pages are here with links at the bottom to the 6 pages of the original version.
In light of my recent comments on Schulz’s backgrounds, this is a great piece, featuring only settings and words, no actual appearance of the characters (though we can find them in the voices).

In other news, I’m expecting a slow down in posting here for at least the next two weeks. I’ve got a wedding coming up and I’m working on figuring out my new webcomic, so I’m going to pace out the reviews here. I should have reviews of Frank Santoro’s Storeyville and Cold Heat #1 up this week.