MadInkBeard by DerikBadman

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  1. The Books of Earthsea []


  1. David Markson RIP []


  1. The Infinitesimal Novel []
  2. Toussaint at the Quarterly Conversation []
  3. Rereading Kawabata []


  1. Kundera on Theme Words []
  2. The Last Novel by David Markson []
  3. Nonplot-Based Narrative Ordering []
  4. Themerson Review at TQC []


  1. The Mystery of the Sardine []
  2. The Mezzanine []
  3. Bouvard and Pecuchet Review []


  1. Lord Byron's Novel: The Evening Land by John Crowley []
  2. Paul Metcalf Interview []
  3. Doug Nufer Interview []
  4. Genoa by Paul Metcalf []
  5. Never Again by Doug Nufer []
  6. Negativeland by Doug Nufer []
  7. Going Down by David Markson []
  8. My Life in CIA by Harry Mathews []
  9. Queneau Quotes on Novel Structure []
  10. Pierrot Mon Ami by Raymond Queneau []
  11. Agape Agape by William Gaddis []
  12. Tom Harris and Stefan Themerson []
  13. Trent's Last Case []


  1. The Novel Encyclopedia []
  2. The Lost Scrapbook by Evan Dara []
  3. "Little Casino" by Sorrentino []
  4. My Paris by Gail Scott []
  5. "Aberration of Starlight" by Sorrentino []
  6. La Television by Toussaint []
  7. "Crystal Vision" by Sorrentino []
  8. "Under the Shadow" by Sorrentino []
  9. The Book of Batchelors by Philip Terry []
  10. "Gold Fools" by Sorrentino []
  11. Composition No. 1 by Marc Saporta []
  12. 99: The New Meaning by Walter Abish []
  13. Cigarettes by Harry Mathews []
  14. The Sinking of the Odradek Stadium []