MadInkBeard No.4

This is the fourth issue of my quarterly series of comics (though it is late). This issue is a digital only release of 27 four-panel strips created in October and November of 2012. It is available in two digital formats.
A cbz file containing 29 images for reading with a comic reading app.[1]
A web version suitable for reading online. On wider screens (desktops) it will show 4 panels at a time, on narrower screens (phones, preferably in landscape orientation) it will show 2 panels at a time.
This is an experiment in responsive webcomics reading, so there may be display issues on some browsers/devices. If you try it and experience any issues, please let me know so I can improve the code for the future.
[1]For those not familiar with it, a cbz file is basically a zip file within which are a bunch of image files. There are plenty of decent readers that will give you a nice page-spread view. For Mac I use Simple Comic. CDisplayEx seems to work ok for Windows, and Perfect Viewer is nice for Android (tablet or phone). Haven’t used it, but ComicFlow looks good for iPad, not sure about iPhone. I’d appreciate any recommendations for the latter.