MadInkBeard by DerikBadman

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Categorization in Analysis

But the point of having categories like these isn’t to pin labels. In part knowing them allows us simply to notice things in films that might otherwise remain a part of an undifferentiated flow of images. They enable us to see underlying principles that make films into dynamic systems rather than collections of techniques. They give us ways to organize our thoughts about films and convey them to others. And, though students may doubt this, watching for such things becomes automatic and effortless once we have understood such categories and watched a lot of films. As a child, I don’t think I knew about the concept of editing or ever really noticed cuts. Now I’m aware of every cut in every film I see, and I notice continuity errors and graphic matches and other related techniques, all automatically, without that awareness impinging in the least on my following the story and being entertained. Learning the categories is only the beginning.

Thompson, Kristin. Categorical coherence: A closer look at character subjectivity. Observations on film art and Film Art (24 Oct 2008).

In a post on perceptual and mental subjectivity in film, Thompson makes this worthwhile point about analysis and categorization.