20 Out of 30 Days

A selection of short comics from my 30 Days of Comics 2009 project. Various experiments in abstraction, poetry comics, appopriation, micro-narratives, still life/description comics, etc.
Download the Digital Edition (11MB)
I also have a few print copies left for a new discounted price of $2 plus postage.
Selected as one of the “Notable Comics” for the 2011 volume of Best American Comics.
“There’s definitely some interesting ideas to ponder over here. Not the type of stuff that everybody can go and start utilizing in the next issues of whatever Marvel and DC books they’re working on, certainly, but the type that you have rolling around in the back of your head for a long while.” –Sean Kleefeld
“Many of these stories were wistful or desolate, but others zeroed in on the joys of an image in time and how it can linger. Badman tried to depict the way a smell, sight or visceral feeling can evoke a powerful memory, even (and sometimes especially) when that encounter was a fleeting one. Stacking story after story of textual or color experiments gives the book a weight greater than the sum of its parts.” –Rob Clough (TCJ.com)