MadInkBeard by DerikBadman

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image-text interaction


  1. One-Panel Criticism: King-Cat No. 65 []
  2. One-Page Criticism: Prince Valiant #199 []


  1. The Book of Genesis Illustrated by R Crumb []
  2. Haiku and Haiga []


  1. Driven By Lemons by Joshua Cotter []
  2. Translation: Poison River and the vertiginous ellipsis []
  3. Comic Art: Characteristics and Potentialities of a Narrative Medium, Abbott (1986) []


  1. Branigan on Point of View []
  2. Anchorage and Relay []
  3. Text, image, layout, rhetoric []
  4. Bottomless Belly Button by Dash Shaw []
  5. Breathtaking View []
  6. Image Text Interaction Coffee []


  1. Art of the Funnies and the Comic Book: Aesthetic Histories []